Test accuracy and costs
For each screening and diagnostic test, the test accuracy is defined by the sensitivity (the proportion of those with TB correctly identified) and specificity (the proportion of those without TB correctly identified). Values for the sensitivity and specificity of each screening and diagnostic test are preset, based on systematic review data. Estimates for the cost of screening or diagnostic tests are derived from WHO estimates and are calculated uniquely for each country. The accuracy and cost estimates can be changed, or new custom screening tools can be created, by clicking the “Customize tools” button.
Select the Screening tools that you plan to use for each of the risk groups identified before moving to the next step.
Screening tools
Selected risk groups |
Screening tools Tests used to identify people with a high likelihood of having TB disease. |
Accuracy | Unit costs (USD$ 2022) The unit costs are comprised of the average per-test costs of drugs and supplies plus the estimated costs of using the general health systems. | |
Sensitivity | Specificity |